Incident 2022-00002324: Automatic Fire Alarm with Smoke in Structure

On 1/23/2022 @ 17:02, Dept 5 was dispatched to 790 Carr Hill Rd, Hector Township to an Automatic Alarm. Engine 5-3 and Squad 5-18 responded. Due to weather and road conditions, response time was extended. Dispatch was in communication with the property owner, who reported that there was nobody in the home at the time. Crews reported nothing showing from the exterior upon arrival.

Crews were able to make initial entry to the building shortly after arrival and found that smoke was present. Hector Command was established and Dept 20 Harrison Township was dispatched as the investigation continued. Firefighters brough a water can and a dry handline with them as they searched for the source of the smoke. It was determined that the smoke was coming from a malfunctioning wood stove, at which time Dept 20 was recalled. The wood stove was shut down and the building was ventilated.

Crary Hose would like to thank the Hector Township Supervisors and Clymer Township Supervisor Cale Mead for your assistance.

Note: image from previous incident.

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