Wildfire Training with DCNR

On Monday, 3/28/22 at 18:30, members of Dept 5 Crary Hose and Dept 20 Harrison Township participated in a Wildfire Refresher session at the Crary Hose Firehall. Brian Plume and Scott Miller from the PA DCNR Bureau of Forestry, Tioga Forest District, provided an in-depth refresher of the important aspects of fighting Wildfires. Topics included PPE, terminology, and wildfire suppression tactics. Emphasis was placed on safety, with those in attendance watching multiple videos on staying safe in changing conditions. They also brought handouts, Incident Response Pocket Guides and calendars for the crew.

We would like to thank Brian and Scott for taking time after-hours to come out and share their knowledge and experience with our members. They are always eager to help support all Tioga County fire departments with everything from grant advice, to training, to equipment, to incident response.

Thanks to our brother firefighters from Harrison Township for coming out as well.

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